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Wywiad w duzej mieże o IS z Alexz

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Pisanie by mysweettime Czw Lip 17, 2008 1:01 am

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O to on:
For three seasons, we've watched Jude Harrison go from typical teen to pop phenom on Instant Star. But now, as the show begins its fourth and final season, it's time to say goodbye. (Tear!) We caught up with Jude, er, Alexz Johnson to get inside deets on the show and what she's up to next. Read on!
How does it feel that this is the last season of Instant Star?
Last November, we finished shooting. It was a blast, and it was a steppingstone, and it really gave me a lot of connections in the industry. It was a fun show to be a part of, and it's bittersweet because it was such a blast. The cast is great, and we all keep in touch, and it's cool to see everyone go off and do their own thing. It's exciting to see where all the cast members are going.
When you started this show, did you anticipate this being the next four years of your life?
I didn't, actually, at the time. You never know how long a TV show is going to go for. I thought two or three seasons, but I had no idea it would go as long as it did.
What was your favorite episode to film?
Anything that I get to perform on stage. Playing in Lot Club in Toronto and doing stuff like that is wicked and interacting on stage. But my favorite episode was the "Where Does It Hurt" episode when I'm singing on the rooftop -- I think that was the last episode in season three. That was a blast because I love the song -- that was really special. There was something spiritual about that episode. It was sweet. It was the end of the third season. Just a sweet, sweet episode.
Do you watch the show when it's on?
I have all the episodes on DVD, so if there's a night I'm with my sibs, and they're like, "Hey, let's put something on," I pick something. But I don't catch it on TV ever. I'm not really a big TV watcher.
Has Jude rubbed off on you more, or have you rubbed off on Jude?
I think Jude's rubbed off on me. I've been where Jude is. It's almost like Jude was me a couple of years ago, which was interesting to play because she's going through things I've experienced in the business: deals that I've gone through, writing stuff and trying to stay true to your sound, being careful of being too strong. You have to understand people and take good criticism as a musician. It was easier to relate to Jude because of my experiences.
What will you miss most about the show?
Probably the family. You miss the people you work with everyday. You work with these people almost six months out of the year, everyday. The schedule of being around these great people -- it's like a family. I miss that the most. And besides that it's just doing music. Acting and doing music are such different things. With acting, especially with acting on TV, it's pretty intense -- the hours of work are pretty intense, but you get used to it. It's like a routine where you get up every morning and you come to work at a certain time, and it's kind of a comfort in that routine, so when you break out of that routine and are doing studio hours in LA from 2 p.m. until 4 a.m., it's kind of all whacked out. I miss the people the most, more then the routine, that's for sure.
What are you going to do now that the show is over?
I'm focusing on music. I'm excited to get things going with this album. It took about four months to get all the songs done. I'm excited to start performing and getting it out there. I feel like I've done the TV thing. When you've done something for years you feel like, "I've done that I loved that, that's great." I took Instant Star because I played a singer. I'm going to focus on the music. The next thing I would love to do is be on a great tour, so that's going to be the focus for the next couple of years. Part of the dream would be to get my music in some great films or Cirque de Sole. I'm very passionate about movie soundtracks. If there was a great script that came in that was independent and cool and mixed with music, that'd be cool.
Does your album have a release date yet?
Early 2009. We have the album done. We're tweaking stuff and doing some extra writing for fun. I am excited for the next year. I want to do this right. There is nothing about this I want to rush. I want to be able to perform this music. The sound is so important to me. It's just not about selling a million copies -- it's more about making sure it's great and represents what I believe musically.
Describe the sound of the album.
It's interesting and different. It's pop [with] eclectic world rhythms and influences. My influence is from older artists. I love Paul Simon, Graceland. I love Kate Bush, Hounds of Love. I love Annie Lennox. It's not contemporary, but I love all that music, so I'm trying to find a way to make those great older songs younger.
How was writing for the album different then writing for the show?
Writing for the show, I was writing for Jude. Jude's thinking very radio records. Her sound was more punk-influenced, more rock-influenced. It was a whole different sound. It was fun because I love a lot of Jude's songs and music. It was different too because you did the writing with a lot of different people -- it was like being at a writing camp. With my music, I stick to specific writers.
Will your fans will be surprised by the sound of the album?
I don't know what they're expecting. I'm curious to see. It's pretty different. It's what I love musically, and I have to stay true to what I love musically -- that's why I do this. I wouldn't be in this business if I can't sing what I want to sing. It's coming from my heart, and I want them to love it.
What other Canadian artists are you into?
I love The Arcade Fire. The Arcade Fire is ridiculously talented. I really like Hot Hot Heat. The band Sweet Thing in Toronto -- they're amazing. I love Michael Bublé. He's awesome. He hits 13-year-olds to my parents. I think most talent comes from Canada, actually!
What kind of advice do you have for up-and-coming stars?
Embrace that there is only one you -- you are unique and nobody can ever be you. And when you look at yourself in the mirror, be kind to that person. You just can't believe the overflow of complements, and you can't believe the negative stuff. Trust the people you love. Stay true and find the reasons that you are doing it. Believe in yourself. It's cliché, but it's true. You define who you are -- nobody else can.
Mrs. Rozon
Mrs. Rozon

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Age : 28
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Pisanie by Sheemeka Czw Lip 17, 2008 2:24 pm

I tak połowy jak zwykle nie rozumiem:/
Mrs. Quincy
Mrs. Quincy

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Pisanie by Nikki Pią Lip 18, 2008 1:20 pm

tak samo jak ja

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Join date : 11/04/2008
Age : 32


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